This week we finish our series on faith and technology by taking a solid look at making personal connections and relationships a priority. Our scripture in focus is Hebrews 10:19-39.
We continue our series examining the intersection of our faith and modern technology. We hear this week from Ezekiel 12:1-20 and ponder our stewardship of the tools we have available…
We continue our series examining the interaction between our faith and technology. This week look at Ephesians 5:8-21 and how it invites us to be intentional with our usage of…
This week we begin a new sermon series examining and considering our use of technology and our faith. This week we talk about expressing and living with agape love as…
This week take a look at the Epiphany and Flight to Egypt from Matthew 2. This chapter of Matthew is full of ups and downs in the early life of…