February 2- Confirmation classes begin at 9:45am.
February 8- 95th Birthday Celebration for Marilyn Pierson from 1:00-3:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Come celebrate this beautiful lady!
February 9- Sweet Treat Bake Sale following services in the Fellowship Hall. Support UWF by getting your yummy treat to help you celebrate Super Bowl Sunday or Valentine’s Day.
March 5- Ash Wednesday services, 7:00am in sanctuary.
April 20- Easter Sunrise Service 6:00am at Prowers Bridge. Easter Sunday Worship at 11:00am in Sanctuary.
***Children’s Bible School every Sunday(during school year) at 10:15am.
***Adult Sunday School every Sunday(during school year) at 10:15am.
***United Women in Faith meets first Thursday of the month at 9:30am at Wiley UMC.
***”Olde Guys Coffee Time” every Wednesday at 10:00am in the Fellowship Hall with coffee, donuts and good conversation. Bring a friend!
***Bell Choir Rehearsal every Wednesday(during school year) at 6:00pm in the choir room. All are welcome to join!